Prioritizing Purpose
Program Introduction
Let’s make your next step your best one yet.
This is not a program about finding your purpose.
If you're like lots of folks, you may already have a sense of what you're here to do. Recent studies have shown that over 50% of the U.S. workforce feels they have a sense of purpose, however interestingly, most cannot articulate exactly what it is. This program is designed for those who are looking for "what to do, once you ‘sorta’ know what you're here to do." How do you prioritize your actions, stay focused, learn to say no to all the shiny objects, and generally get to a place where you're acting with clear-minded intent towards building a life filled with meaning? That’s the goal.
For nearly two decades, I ran a consultancy that led leaders and their teams to solutions that clarified their purpose and the steps necessary to take action. This program is designed to do the same for you, the individual.
But doing this for you wouldn’t be as effective if I hadn’t already done it for myself. In 2017, my consulting business was acquired and in 2020, shortly after the pandemic started, my time leading that business wrapped up and I found myself asking, "What next?". For the first time in a long time, I didn't know the answer. Over the intervening 17 years I had built my career and a sense of purpose organized around my company. Now with the entity acquired and my time finished, who was I when I wasn't "Michael from Sub Rosa"? This was what I set out to discover.
A multi-month Airstream adventure across America with my wife (Caroline) and our two dogs (Darryl and Mary), countless long, open road conversations with Caroline (and myself), a few existential crises, and some deep soul searching later, we arrived back where we started, in New York City at the end of 2020, feeling like I'd shaken loose some of the cobwebs, gotten honest with myself about a few things, and felt ready for a fresh start.
Sitting down with a blank piece of paper and a general sense of what I was setting out to do, I developed a framework that evolved into a map toward prioritizing purpose. And you know what? It worked. I felt focused. I knew what to say yes and no to, and it seemed to propel me into a next chapter of not only my career, but my life.
After a few months of doing this work, I found myself having lots of conversations with friends who were also in a similar moment in their lives. Global pandemics have a way of doing that I suppose. So I decided to see if what worked for me would also work for them. The process I developed for myself evolved into a program designed to help others access similar insights about about their own interior world and helped shine a light on the path they were walking. And the process worked for them too. It was at this point I decided to share this work more broadly.
And we're gonna do it together.
Over the course of three months this cohort will will meet virtually as a group to discuss progress, orient around next steps, and perhaps most importantly, connect and learn from each other. Lots of this work will be self-guided introspective exercises based on prompts, but other parts will be interpersonal. There will be assignments between the meetings that will help each of you to progress at your own pace. I've developed this approach because I know from my work as a teacher and practitioner of empathy, perspective taking and inquiry are vital to success.
So together, as a cohort, we will work together to help each other get where we need to go.
Code of Conduct
The members of this cohort will hail from different cultural backgrounds, races, orientations, religions, and abilities.
To respect this I ask that all participants:
Embrace our differences. Our unique make up is the sort of diversity we need to see ourselves with fresh eyes.
Be present by being device and distraction free when working in our group setting.
Please use “I” statements and practice active listening without judgement.
Invite discourse about topics that feel worthy of group discussion but remember that not all conversations need to utilize the full group. When it can be taken offline or discussed after a group call, please try to do so for the sake of everyone's engagement and shared time together.
Get comfortable with discomfort. This work will challenge you to be vulnerable, open, candid, and at times, a bit raw about where you are and what you want. The more you share, the more you will receive.
Practice being your best self. Be generous, attentive, thoughtful, and supportive.
If at any time you encounter inappropriate behavior from a cohort member, I ask that you notify me immediately. Know that language or behavior that is racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, classist, or xenophobic is not welcome nor will it be tolerated. For this work to be successful we need safe space. If you have been attacked, offended, or harassed in any way, I will work to support you and address the situation as needed, whether with the entire group, or directly with relevant parties to ensure that psychological safety is upheld.
Time Expectations
The program will last 3 months (May-July)
Each participant will be expected to be available for two 1.5-2 hour calls per month. Sessions require interaction and conversation and while they will be recorded, they will not be "made up" for those who cannot join.
I will be available for clarifications / questions / support as needed via email or office hours.
It is reasonable to assume you will need to dedicate at least 5-7 hours per month (exclusive of the group calls) to get the most out of this program. This can occur on your own schedule, fitting into the rhythms of your life.
Financial Commitment
I realize that we are all at various stages in our journeys and that investing in ourselves is sometimes the hardest thing to do. For many people it's easier to buy a gift for someone we love than to treat oneself to something meaningful. This work is for you and I hope those of you who consider joining the cohort see this as an investment in yourself.
The cohort fee for the 3-month program is $4,750.
For those of you who are compelled to explore this but have financial limitations, I invite you to contact me directly to discuss your situation. For those who can afford to pay the full rate, your contribution will help to subsidize others. Whatever accommodations I can make to those interested in the program, I will endeavor to do so.
The Prioritizing Purpose Cohort Includes:
A pre-kickoff personal assessment survey designed to help understand your personal attributes
Participation in 6 group calls with the cohort
4-6 interactive sessions with cohort members for cross-collaboration
One-on-one conversation and guidance throughout the program
Full access to the program curriculum for your ongoing use
A 60-90 minute one-on-one completion call to ensure you are empowered to move forward
In closing, if getting clear about what you're here to do and how you get there is something that speaks to you at this moment, I invite you consider taking this leap and joining me on the journey. If you have questions or would like to connect in person to discuss the program in more detail, you're invited to do so at any time.
I look forward to beginning this process together.
Take good care,
Professional insights, personal musings, and internet ephemera found on my journey to better understand ourselves and the world around us.